Over a period of time, I got habituated to a way of life of doing whatever I want to do as soon as I want to do – be it stupid or sensible, useless or useful. But now, I see a great deal of change in myself. Now I try to answer every wish of mine saying “not now! It’s the time for a VIP”. This VIP who brought this change or rather forced this change is my GOAL. I have observed a few shifts in usual life that this goal brings along. Let me share them with you.
Your dearest friend SLEEP keeps inviting you to the world’s best comfort home, but the goal says “I need some more time with you”. In order to satisfy your goal, you would turn down the offer of your friend. But you know how this particular friend is. It does not leave you till you honour its wish and the war between goal and sleep goes on.
Your eyes tend to look at a handsome guy or a beautiful girl (depending on your choice) and they start forcing you to stare at him/her and send signals to brain to think about him/her which in turn asks the tongue to flirt. Before you can do anything, your goal says “Look at me idiot! I can’t stand being ignored and I can’t share my stage with anyone else”. Then you shut your eyes, disconnecting all the signals, only to open them in front of your goal alone! You don’t have a choice here, you see!
Your favourite actor has performed the best in a movie and it is released during this period. Above that, your long time crush has invited you for this movie, a long drive before that and dinner after that. That’s the time when you are so high but exactly that’s also the time when the goals pulls you down and says “You dirty pig! How dare you think I would allow you to forget me for so long? I know you would keep repeating this if I allow you once! Just shut up and work for me now!”
Sometimes your food habits change. Then your mom says “My child! Eat well! Sleep well! Take care of your health”. Now the goal says “Fat ass! Ask your mom to stop pampering! You have eaten enough junk to survive for a week without any food!”
You play “why this kolaveri di” on your music player and while you are lost listening to the line “my future darku” for the 2nd time, the goal says “enough of flop songs” and the track changes to “Lakshy ko har haal mein paana hai”
Sometimes you go through a really bad phase where you lose something / some people and you would want to cry till your tears dry up. But even before a single drop of tear comes out, the goal shouts at you “Stop it! You will cry only when you lose me forever! Nothing else should bother you more!”
In spite of all these sacrifices, your friends, well wishers and guides scold you saying “This is not enough!” While you keep wondering about what else you should do, your goal smiles sarcastically and says “Of course! You need to travel a lot more to reach me”
At a point in this journey, you ask your goal “I am working harder and harder everyday. But will I ever be able to reach you?”
Then your goal smiles and says “Dear! I am waiting here with a hope that you would reach me. I know the path is not so easy. All that you need is FOCUS. When you reach me, I promise I will give you a lot of happiness which you might have never felt in your life. I will give you a very peaceful and happy sleep. I will make your mom kiss on your forehead and say “I am proud of you!” I will fund your parties with friends those who scolded you. I will add meaning to your life. I will make your life a success story which would be read by everyone travelling this path. Can you work even harder?”
My reply would be “My dear goal! I am coming!”